Patel’s mental state deliberated in court

The case will continue in the Polokwane High Court tomorrow for further discussion

Patel’s case continued in the Polokwane High Court today (Thursday, 6 April) where deliberations over whether to postpone his case or not were the topic of discussion.

Patel’s council pleaded that he was ill and needed to see a doctor. Patel said needn’t make an appointment as he just had to walk into the doctor’s rooms.

Judge Joseph Raulinga stated he had been very lenient so far but gave Patel an hour to go to the doctor.

Raulinga added that Patel had rights, but that  his rights were limited.

Councils then argued definitions of mental illness and what the procedure would be if Patel is to be admitted.

Judge Raulinga then stated that Patel’s council had to present an extended report from his psychologist as well as a report from a psychiatrist. The state will also be referring Patel to a psychiatrist.

POLOKWANE – Murder accused Rameez Patel’s trial continued in the Polokwane High Court today.

Read more: LIVE UPDATE: Rameez’s bail still under discussion

Proceedings began with Patel’s lawyer, Steven Molepo taking the stand. Patel had first gone to Molepo on Monday, 3 August, for his first consultation where he was examined.

Molepo told the court that Patel is suffering from emotional stress which means he is emotionally unable to cope or handle stress and this in turn causes depressive episodes.

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Molepo said during these depressed episodes, Patel was most likely to feel sad, down in the dumps, have no interest in doing certain things or wanting to be outdoors.

“This in turn could lead to suicidal thoughts, a lack in concentration and changes in appetite whereby the person won’t eat at all or he/she eats too much,” explained Molepo.

Following his examination by Tumi Mokwena, Molepo was then cross examined by state prosecutor, Mashudu Mudau.

Mudau then stated that for a charge of murder, the accused must see a psychiatrist and not a psychologist.

The case will continue tomorrow.

Read the full story in tomorrow’s copy of Review Weekend.

Read more on Rameez Patel:
Rameez Patel trial resumes in High Court

Rameez Patel faces another murder charge

Rameez Patel: ‘assaulted victim with a hockey stick’

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