Does the word ‘shopping’ makes you cringe?

Often, people will spend more than they can afford, crippling their financial status. A few valuable tips and statistics on the spending habits of South African woman

POLOKWANE – When people hear the word shopping, many things comes to mind. One of those, is money. Often, people will spend more than they can afford, crippling their financial status.

Zeeva Debt Management aims to empower South African women to take back control of their debt. They share some valuable tips and statistics on spending habits.

Many women can relate to the term retail therapy, which is once in a while good for the soul. Zeeva conducted a survey titled 2017 Smart Woman, Smart Money, in which more than 3 000 women from across South Africa participated. The participants were between the ages of 25 and 34 participated and 2 300 of those women reside in metro regions such as Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal and Western Cape.

via zeeva

When it comes to finances and shopping, there are a few similarities South African women share, namely:

The survey revealed other interesting information, such as what women from different areas shop for. While women in metro areas spend on dining out, women in less urban areas splurge on cookware. But women from both metro and other areas shop for shoes, home décor, accessories and handbags.

“In the metro regions, more women make use of brochures or catalogues to find information on a product or service. Only 38% of women from the three metro areas mentioned tend to stick to their shopping lists in comparison to the other six regions,” says Zeeva Public Relations Officer, Carla Oberholzer.

Tips to consider when shopping:

Oberholzer urges women to make use of online stores and compare prices via Oneshop.

She adds the following:

“Smart shopping can still be fun for women of all ages and regions. Get into the habit of compiling a reasonable budget for yourself and practice some self-control. If, however, the word ‘shopping’ makes you cringe because your debt pile is currently spiralling out of control, contact the Zeeva team,” Oberholzer concludes.

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