SASSA debacle overshadows Human Rights Day

Given that today is Human Right’s Day, over 17 million South Africans are faced with the possibility that they might not receive their South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) grants at the end of the month.

POLOKWANE – In one of the biggest crises to hit the country, the SASSA debacle has caused uproar around the country for several weeks now.

The grants are for social relief of distress, grants-in-aid, child support grant, foster care grant, care dependency grant, war veteran’s grant, disability grant and grants for older persons.

Read more:
Concourt extends CPS’s contract for one year

ConCourt’s ruling on Sassa debacle shows a democracy at work, say experts

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For people who receive grants every month, it is the only means to have access to their basic rights such as shelter and food.

On Friday, 17 March, a judgment by the Constitutional Court was delivered ordering Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) and Sassa continue its invalid contract for a period of 12 months.

Since then, President Jacob Zuma has apologized to the country for the “undue anxiety” caused by the social grants debacle‚ saying the government “deeply regrets” it‚ and has given the assurance that all beneficiaries will receive their social grants on April 1.

These are some tweets regarding the SASSA debacle:

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