Polokwane Observer invites qualified candidates to apply for the position of JOURNALIST

To assume duty as soon as possible. The ideal candidate • Owns a vehicle and has a valid driver’s licence. • Can communicate fluently in Eng­­lish and Afrikaans • Can work independently, orderly and productively under pressure • Is creative, dynamic and energetic • Can express him/herself accurately in the printed medium. Recommendation Past experience …

To assume duty as soon as possible.

The ideal candidate
• Owns a vehicle and has a valid driver’s licence.
• Can communicate fluently in Eng­­lish and Afrikaans
• Can work independently, orderly and productively under pressure
• Is creative, dynamic and energetic
• Can express him/herself accurately in the printed medium.
Past experience in the journalistic field will serve as strong recom­men­dation.
• Basic salary negotiable
• Annual bonus based on merit
Email a shortened CV as soon as possible to willie.e@mwebbiz.co.za
Applications close on 28 March 2017.

Polokwane Observer nooi gekwalifiseerde kandidate uit om aansoek te doen vir die posisie as JOERNALIS om so gou moontlik diens te aanvaar.

Die ideale kandidaat
• Beskik oor ‘n eie voertuig en ‘n geldige bestuurderslisensie
• Is kommunikasievaardig (vlot in Afrikaans en Engels)
• Kan selfstandig en geordend onder druk werk
• Is kreatief, dinamies en energiek
• Kan hom-/haarself akkuraat in die gedrukte medium uitdruk.
Vorige ervaring in ‘n nuuskantoor sal as sterk aanbeveling dien.
• Basiese salaris onderhandelbaar
• Jaarlikse merietebonus
E-pos ‘n verkorte CV so gou moontlik na willie.e@mwebbiz.co.za
Aansoeke sluit op 28 Maart 2017.

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