Everyday devices that drain your energy

Did you know these appliances tap into your energy resources and doubles your electricity usage?

POLOKWANE – With the impending increase in fuel prices has consumers pinching pennies, trying to save funds by cutting food, recreation and travel expenses.

An electricity tariff increase can probably be expected next.

We use electrical appliances such as hairdryers and microwave ovens for a few minutes every day without much consideration for the electricity consumption they make up over the course of a month. With more price hikes set for April, it would be wise to start monitoring the uses of certain devices and their energy consumption in order to come up with a cost effective alternative to help you save cash.

Eskom’s annual press releases on using electricity less frugally help consumers use less and therefore pay less at the end of the day.

Using energy saving bulbs will decrease your monthly electricity usage by a large margin. Photo: Supplied

In South Africa, consumers pay 40 cents per kilowatt. To figure out how much you fork out every time you use electrical appliances, try this equation: (appliance watt count) x 40 (cents) = total cost.

High energy appliances:

• Hot plates with an oven, geysers, tumble dryers and welding machines, they use up to 3000 watts.

• Oil heaters, washing machines, irons, fraying pans, microwaves, electric braais and dish washers use between 1100 and 2000 watts.

Low energy appliances:

Warming ovens, cold water washing machines, jaffel pans and lights (76 watts globes) all use between 800 and 1000 watts of electricity.

• Hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, fridges, battery chargers, drills and electric blankets use between 100 to 600 watts of electricity.

According to an Escom call centre operator, Derick Seloba, the prices of electricity units for rural and urban areas are as follows:

Rural areas:

• 1 – 50 units at a cost of 0,6935 cents per kilowatt an hour (kw/h).

• 51 – 350 units at a cost of 0,8560 cent per kw/h.

• 351 – 600 units at a cost of 127,02 per kw/h.

• 600 and higher units at a cost of 139,31 per kw/h.

Urban areas:

Fixed rate of 0,9105 cent per kw/h.


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