
Thabo: a future Dr Christiaan Barnard

Thabo said if he is not studying, he enjoys spending time at church as he is a member of the youth organisation in his community, and he also spends time in the library.

POLOKWANE – Thabo Alfred Komape is an 18-year-old Westenburg Secondary School learner who has been the top overall performing learner at the school for the past three years and said that this year will be no different as he is working harder than ever.

“I would like to study for a bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery at the University of the Witwatersrand because my dream is to one day become a successful doctor,” he said.

The one person who inspired the matric learner to choose this specific career, was Dr Christiaan Barnard.

“Being the person who performed the first successful heart transplant in the world, he inspired so many to do what others thought was impossible,” Thabo said.

Review was barely able to get an interview with the star learner because of his busy studying schedule. “When I finish school at about 14:00, I study until 17:30, and then when I get home, I study from 19:00 until 00:30.”

Thabo added that he first decided in Gr 8 to completely dedicate himself to his schoolwork, and initially found it extremely difficult. “When I first started to study so hard, I struggled, but I just kept to my schedule and after a while I got use to it.”

He also has advice for his fellow learners, “Don’t settle for a mediocre education, in today’s world you cannot afford to have a poor education, you need to aim high and work hard.”

He added that you will also need to get your attitude right and develop a learner mindset. “Set realistic goals for yourself and try your absolute best to achieve them,” he said.

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