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DA’s expectations for Limpopo SOPA

Smalle says the DA will give the real state of the province address with vigorous implementable strategies and plans during the debate on Premier Mathabatha’s speech next week.

POLOKWANE – The DA expects Premier Stan Mathabatha to address the serious challenges currently afflicting Limpopo Province including increasing unemployment, crumbling service delivery, poverty and a dysfunctional Provincial administration.

Smalle says there is no shred of doubt that Premier Stan Mathabatha’s urgent concern is the preservation of his political life, which is under threat from internal ANC factionalism and infighting. The welfare of Limpopo residents has been pushed to the backburner.

“Despite promises to create more job opportunities, prioritise service delivery and empower the youth and women throughout the province, glaring disparities between the rich and poor are growing under the ANC government. The ANC’s lack of good governance, political interference, nepotism and factionalism, tender irregularities and corruption is to blame,” he said.

More than 1.5 million of the province’s youth are living below the poverty line and there is a 25% (550 000) unemployment rate amongst the youth.

Smalle says the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the 4th quarter indicates that the Province has 298 000 discouraged work-seekers and 1.9 million people who are not economically active.

“The Premier must consider that in the 4th Quarter, 65% of the increasing work-force are economically active compared to the 84% in 2011. This downward spiral can only be addressed through tangible measures to boost the provincial economy through the creation of jobs and support for SMME’s which are currently underfunded,” he said.

According to Smalle, the Premier must prioritise a turn-around strategy for the Department of Education. With its 5 consecutive disclaimers and labelled as one one the worst performing departments nationally, the department has now hit rock bottom.

“Consistent lack of good and clean governance directly resulted in the R21.4 billion infrastructure and R1.8 billion maintenance backlogs. It’s unacceptable that 2 500 schools are still using pit latrines.”

“Under Premier Mathabatha’s watch, our matric pass rate declined by more than 10% to a disappointing 62,5%. The finalisation of the contracts for the 1 705 temporary teachers must be finalised, not only to provide job security for the teachers, but most importantly’ to provide stability in the classroom,” said Smalle.

He went on to say that Municipalities in Limpopo continue to produce disclaimers and adverse audit opinions. “There are poor, if at all, consequence management for those that flout municipal procedures, regulations and laws. Section 56 and 57 managers and other poor performing personnel are shuffled between municipalities at whim to ensure “they continue eating” instead of being purged from the system.”

The DA would like to hear a clear strategy that will speak to quality and accelerated service delivery.

“Premier Mathabatha must ensure that municipalities and government departments have implementable strategies to rectify poor record management, ensure supply chain procedures are followed and must root out the culture of impunity that has crippled his administration for too long,” he concluded.


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