Hawks welcome sentence handed to smugglers

Illegal Remington Gold cigarettes to the value of R178 794 were found in their possession.

LIMPOPO – The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) has welcomed the sentence handed down by the Mahwelereng Regional Court to two smugglers.

Two men Collen Mkandla (43) a Zimbabwean national and Lovers Chauke (35) were arrested after police who were patrolling in the TomBurke area stopped and searched their vehicle in January 2012. Illegal Remington Gold cigarettes to the value of R178 794 were found in their possession, according to Hawks Spokesperson, Capt Matimba Maluleke..

“A thorough investigation was conducted and it culminated in a successful conviction of the duo.”

Both Mkandla and Chauke appeared in court on Friday and they were sentenced as follows:

On the count of Contravention of section 80 (1) of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 they are each to pay a R10 000 fine or face two years imprisonment.

On the count of Contravention of section 3 (7) of the Tobacco Control Act 83 of 1993, Selling or importing of illicit cigarettes for subsequent sale they are each to pay a R10 000 fine or two years imprisonment and

On the count of Contravention of section 3 (b) (ii) of the Prevention and Combatting of Corrupt Activities Act the accused are each to pay a fine of R3 000 or face one year imprisonment.

The vehicle, a Nissan Hardbody, which was used in the commission of crime was forfeited to the state, he added.

“We believe that the sentence will send a strong message to illicit cigarettes smugglers that their days are numbered,” concluded Maluleke.

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