Sapu drives case of alleged Police misconduct

The South African Policing Union (Sapu) in the province has vowed to escalate endeavours characterising the battle on behalf of a lieutenant-colonel, who was previously attached to the Police’s elite VIP Protection and Security Unit in Limpopo and not reinstated in his original position despite a directive from the top. In December last year Polo­kwane …

The South African Policing Union (Sapu) in the province has vowed to escalate endeavours characterising the battle on behalf of a lieutenant-colonel, who was previously attached to the Police’s elite VIP Protection and Security Unit in Limpopo and not reinstated in his original position despite a directive from the top.
In December last year Polo­kwane Observer reported on the intention of Sapu in Limpopo to turn to the Public Protector for assistance and take legal action to ensure the reinstatement of Matee Molele, former commander of the VIP-in-Transit Unit while attached to the VIP Protection and Security Unit in Polokwane.
This week Sapu Provincial Secretary Solly Bulala stressed that they planned to approach the Public Protector tomorrow (Friday) with the request to have the matter of Molele’s reinstatement investigated. They would also lodge a civil claim to move for constructive dismissal and also damages incurred over a period of three years while he couldn’t be assessed in a post.
After the Police’s headquarters had informed the Provincial Police that Molele had to be reinstated at his previous place of employment on 1 December last year, Molele was still not allowed to enter the building though, Bulala pointed out. Hence Molele, who has been placed at the Joint Operations Centre of the Limpopo Police since 5 March 2014 after charges were brought against him, is still reporting for duty every day and waits out the time in the entrance area to the offices of the VIP Protection and Security Unit, it was learnt.
Bulala said they have decided to take up the matter with the Public Protector as no one in the Police attended to the case. He provided a copy of the latest communication directed at the relevant Divisional Commissioner in Pretoria, wherein he demanded Molele’s immediate reinstatement. He blamed the situation on the conduct of the Provincial Head of VIP Protection and Security Services, Joseph Makushu. Bulala further pointed out that due to the fact that Molele was not incorporated in the structure, he could not be assessed in a specific post for more than three years. He also asked for speedy intervention to stop the alleged victimisation and harassment against Molele. Lastly he recommended steps to be taken against Makushu.
Mamphaswa Seabi, on behalf of the Provincial Police, said it was an internal matter and that the case was being dealt with accordingly.


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