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Some TVET college results not yet released

The results of an undetermined number of students attending Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) or Further Education and Training (FET) colleges in Limpopo and elsewhere in the country’s results have been withheld pending the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) querying the validity of results or having to investigate or compare results …

The results of an undetermined number of students attending Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) or Further Education and Training (FET) colleges in Limpopo and elsewhere in the country’s results have been withheld pending the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) querying the validity of results or having to investigate or compare results in certain subjects offered at these colleges.
A student studying Engineering at the Capricorn College for TVET’s Seshego campus was unhappy about what she believed having to reregister for two subjects for which she had been informed results were still pending. The student wanted to see the results before registering again.
The student’s N2 results for Engineering Science and Waste Water were still pending when registration was to close last week Friday.
The student also indicated that the Mathematics paper of November 2016 had to be rewritten because of a leakage detected.
Dikeledi Mfopa, Head of Department Engineering Studies at the Seshego campus said all N2 Engineering students were placed and notices were put up at campuses to tell students they could register for the next level while waiting for the results of the subjects still pending and said the student should have contacted the Students’ Representative Councils.
“They can then go back or continue with the level they have registered for pending the outcomes of the results,” she said.
She said some seven subjects were affected countrywide with results that were pending.
“Sometimes individuals are affected, sometimes students throughout the country,” she said.
“The department just indicates to us that a subject is under investigation and we don’t know the reason.”
She indicated that the specific Mathematics examination, to have been written on 11 November last year, was actually postponed to a later date following a leakage detected by the department.”It was a national issue and all papers were to be written later,” she said.
Umalusi in their November 2016 National Education (Nated) Report 190/191 declared there were no systemic irregularities reported that might have compromised the credibility and integrity of the November Engineering Studies N2-N3 examinations administered by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and declared it’s satisfaction that the examinations were fair, valid and credible.
Umalusi approved the release of the results but however required DHET to block the results of two leaked question papers as well as the results of the candidates/subjects/centres implicated in irregularities.


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