Five in court amid water war

Five suspects were due to re-appear in court yesterday (Wednesday) after their arrests in connection with alleged vandalism of infrastructure at Ga-Makgatho in the Kromhoek area, which is suspected of having resulted in the disruption of water supply to the town of Alldays the past three months. The situation at Ga-Makgatho took a turn for …

Five suspects were due to re-appear in court yesterday (Wednesday) after their arrests in connection with alleged vandalism of infrastructure at Ga-Makgatho in the Kromhoek area, which is suspected of having resulted in the disruption of water supply to the town of Alldays the past three months. The situation at Ga-Makgatho took a turn for the worst last Friday night when Blouberg Councillor William Ntlatla’s house and car were reportedly torched.
The five suspects who were arrested in connection with the alleged acts of malicious damage to property pertaining to vandalism have appeared in the Senwabarwana Magistrates Court on Monday whereupon the case was postponed to yesterday for a bail application, according to Provincial Police spokesperson Mamphaswa Seabi. The accused are Nteseng Sematla (39), Johannes Chuku (34), Phillimon Makgatho (42), Given Sethakgo (38) and Andries Legodi (25), whose arrest followed that of the first four on Sunday. No arrest has been made as yet in connection with arson, it was learnt.
Last week Polokwane Observer published a story about the situation in Alldays becoming unbearable, with residents having to rely on alternative sources for water supply after the service was disrupted when infrastructure at Ga-Makgatho – some 45 km from Alldays – had allegedly been vandalised twice since October last year due to the fact that the community was reportedly unhappy with the ward councillor, the election of ward committee members and their water supply not being reliable. In the meantime Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) stepped in with the undertaking to connect Ga-Makgatho Village to the same water supply line serving Alldays. In an interview with Polo­kwane Observer CDM Executive Mayor John Mpe referred to barbaric acts preventing CDM from delivering service while millions were going wasted in an attempt to stabilise the situation. He attributed it to the conduct of individuals with political aspirations hijacking the traditional authority in their area to fight their battles.
In a media statement CDM condemned the latest act, saying tension over water supply spiralled out of control when a group of disgruntled residents torched Ntlatla’s house, car and valuables. “This unfortunate, regrettable incident comes a week after CDM condemned another act of vandalism and criminality when the same group of bandits destroyed water pump engine and its housing last week,” said CDM Media Liaison Officer Moffat Senyatsi.
“CDM understands that this group uses water supply issues to settle political scores with the ward councillor as they are opposed to him and they made it clear on several occasions and incidents that they don’t want him.” He continued stating it was unfortunate that the disillusioned group had now taken this issue to the extreme.
On Monday Provincial Police spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe indicated that that one suspect has been arrested for malicious damage to property linked to alleged vandalism, but that no one has been arrested for the matter of arson as yet. Later on that day Seabi said four suspects have been arrested for malicious damage to property and were due to appear in court at the time.

Story & photo: YOLANDE NEL

Featured photo: An image that captures the situation in Speaker Park at Alldays where residents have been compelled to cope without water since October last year due to the alleged vandalising of infrastructure at Ga-Makgatho some 45 km away. The photo was taken last weekend.

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