Hope in a home for them

Christina Adams' house is finally being rebuilt after it burned to the ground 10 months ago.

POLOKWANE – Adams lost everything on 8 January after a fire started in a bedroom next to the living room and spread to the rest of the house.

The main switch in the kitchen exploded due to the heat which caused the fire to spread faster through the house.

Adams, her neighbours and the community tried to douse the flames with water while they were waiting for the fire brigade, unfortunately their attempts were in vain.

“I had to watch how everything I owned was burned to ashes. All my hard work gone, just like that,” Adams recalls.

She adds that it was a long and frustrating journey for her these past few months, but she is excited now that the building has started.

“The community truly pulled through for me and my family. We received several donations such as clothes, blankets, food and many other necesities to keep us afloat. We also received building material to rebuild the house, but we could not start immediately because we needed to submit the original building plans of the house to the municipality for aproval. At first there were many problems but the municipality pulled through and the building plans were approved. Several members from Light of the Nations Church also helped us a lot. They broke down the damaged structure and removed all the rubble. They built the foundation and donated a lot of materials needed for the house to be rebuilt. Snowey Kennedy assisted with manpower to help build my home. There are so many people in Westenburg and from other areas who also helped and I just want to thank each and every one of them for all their support and help,” Adams adds.

Adams says she cannot wait for her house to be completed as the approved plans for her new home have more rooms than the previous plans.

“Now I will have six bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, a bathroom with a toilet, and an extra toilet.”

Katrina Leen’s house was also damaged in the fire because her house was joined to Adams’ house. Both houses were considered a safety hazard by the municipality and Leen had to vacate her house while waiting for her house to be repaired.

After months of nothing being done to rebuild the damaged structures, Leen’s son in law rebuilt her house with some of the materials donated by the community.

Read more:
Local architect helps out the Adams family

[VIDEO] ‘Dankie, Dankie, Dankie’ – Christina Adams

Well-doers extend helping hand to destitute family

Community rallies to help victims of house fire

The Love Can Foundation assists in the rebuilding of the Adams family house




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