Total lifestyle change after teen is bullied

A Tzaneen family of three lost a combined weight of 140 kgs in 18 months.

LIMPOPO –  When Ilze Czubora (40) realized her son Andrew, then 11, had turned into an introvert because he was being bullied at school for being obese, she decided to put the family’s eating habits under the microscope.

Ilze had a hard time at school being overweight and a lifetime of eating high carbohydrates and low fat had led to this state of affairs.

Researching the internet to help Andrew lose weight, Ilze came across a video entitled “Lard Makes you Lean.” This led her to the LCHF (low carb/high fat) lifestyle known as Banting. Together the family changed their lifestyle.

They stopped eating most root vegetables due to high carbs and lack of nutrients. They stopped all grains which contain the gluten protein which can cause leaky gut syndrome and IBS. They cut out legumes like peas, beans, peanuts and lentils which contain enzyme inhibitors that bind to minerals in food and prevent absorption. They stopped using sugar including fruit as it contains fructose. Fructose can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetes and heart disease. The family began including fresh vegetables and fatty meat into their diet.

Andrew enjoys cooking with his mother and his favourites are meat-ball soup and stir-fries. They prepare the vegetables and meat on a Sunday and then cook a daily stir-fry when they all get home. Andrew makes omelettes with mushrooms, spinach and chicken every morning. Ilze makes her own mayonnaise from cottage cheese, yoghurt and mustard. She recommends plenty of water and says red wine or whiskey can be consumed occasionally, once goal weight has been reached.

Ilze studied online through Banting Buddies to be a coach and became the only qualified Banting Coach in Tzaneen in June this year. She’s now studying for her national, then international diploma. Her 25 clients email their meal plan and food diary for analyses and adjustments. One adjustment is the carb intake which can vary from 25g a day for one client to 50g for another.

Andrew offers parents these tips that helped him lead a healthier lifestyle. Instead of a candy treat give a toy and instead of cake, cupcakes and cheese puffs at a birthday party, have a braai with salads and play games afterwards. Instead of wraps, use lettuce.

Stephen is now 45 kgs lighter. His high blood pressure is normal, flashing migraines are gone as are the cramps in his hands and legs and the severe acid reflux as well. IBS, bad skin, fatigue and constant sweating have stopped. His mood is stable and his depression is gone. Ilze has lost 65kg and is nearing her goal weight. Her severe sinus issues, fatigue, IBS, joint pains, diabetes, brain fog and depression are gone. Andrew has lost 30kg. His concentration has improved, he’s no longer an outsider among his peers, his anger has dissipated and he’s become a more helpful and loving person.

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