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Pageant queens on a mission

Congi and Tiyi feel it is their duty to educate and inspire other young girls

LIMPOPO- Sisters Congi Nkuna (15) and Tiyi Nkuna (13) have travelled far and wide taking part in pageants.

The duo recently represented the country in a pageant held in Brazil. They are currently engaged in a charity campaign aimed at motivating youth from disadvantaged backgrounds. They want to help them understand the modelling industry and how they too can be models.

Congi and Tiyi paid a visit to Nkomo and Ndindani High School where they handed out sanitary towels to the young girls at the school as part of promoting a hygienic lifestyle amongst female learners.

“In addition to empowering them with information, our other aim is to motivate and educate young girls on what to do as they reach puberty as well as to ensure they are better prepared to handle their monthly period with the help of these sanitary towels,” Congi explains.

Both these talented girls have qualified to represent South Africa in August next year in Bourgas, Bulgaria for the Miss Queen and King World.

Congi is also gifted in acting and has been nominated to go to Durban in December for singing auditions for the Summer Heat Model & Talent Search event.

The School Governing Body (SGB) Chairperson, Khazamula Chaka, welcomed the donation of sanitary towels with great thanks saying this would go a long way towards motivating the learners.



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