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ANC HQ chaos

On the first day of African National Congress (ANC) Provincial Chairperson Stan Mathabatha’s one-week leave that started on Monday, chaos erupted at the ANC Limpopo’s headquarters as an angry mass of party members from the Waterberg Region converged on Frans Mohlala House with several demands to be raised during an audience with their provincial leadership. …

On the first day of African National Congress (ANC) Provincial Chairperson Stan Mathabatha’s one-week leave that started on Monday, chaos erupted at the ANC Limpopo’s headquarters as an angry mass of party members from the Waterberg Region converged on Frans Mohlala House with several demands to be raised during an audience with their provincial leadership.
Queried audited membership of an estimated 15 branches in the region ahead of the scheduled regional elective conference expected to be held in December, support for Waterberg Regional Secretary Tolly Mashamaite who is up for an alleged sex-related offence and ANC Provincial Secretary Nocks Seabi’s head being claimed seemed to be at the core of the demands raised on behalf of a group of some 150 members outside the party provincial headquarters.
While messages were displayed on, among others, the back of recycled election posters with which protestors banged on bolted gates, “Hands off Tolly Mashamaite, hands off!” was a chant that repeatedly reverberated throughout the city centre. At the same time protestors targeted Seabi with posters alluding to his alleged involvement in criminal acts.
Having apparently arrived at Frans Mohlala House late morning, the group later gathered outside the gated premises before forcefully gaining access to the party’s provincial stronghold. The group demanded the removal of close to 15 individuals accused of manipulating processes by presenting membership forms of members who were still under probation and not eligible to be delegates at the upcoming elective conference, for which membership audits had apparently been finalised last week. They simultaneously insisted on discussions with the leadership, who indicated willingness to speak to the rowdy crowd earlier on.
Once inside, part of the group stormed the building while some remained outside where the focus turned to individuals who were perceived to have been in possession of the membership forms that partially gave rise to the dispute as they exited the multi-storey. Afterwards a source pointed out that five envelopes and three files have been removed from individuals upon them leaving the building. In one instance a woman was prevented from leaving the premises as the crowd closed in on her car. At the time ANC security officials were under pressure trying to either prevent members in the group from assaulting others or rescuing those under attack.
Mashamaite, whose criminal case of rape and bribery was postponed in court in Mokopane on Monday, was noticed outside Frans Mohlala House where he reportedly facilitated discussions with the party leadership. It was learnt that Mashamaite was expected to have been on special leave starting yesterday (Wednesday). The source stressed that branches hoped that once they went to conference Mashamaite’s name would have been cleared for him to be elected again.
When approached for the latest on the criminal case against Mashamaite who faces charges of rape and bribery, Provincial Police spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe commented that the accused was not asked to plea on Monday due to technicalities and would be expected to do so during his next court appearance in December. Bail of R1 000 was extended.
ANC Limpopo spokesperson Aluwani Netsianda told Polokwane Observer on Tuesday afternoon that the provincial leadership, the approximate 15 affected branches in the region and the auditors were working towards solving complaints about audited membership ahead of the regional elective conference for which a date had not been fixed as yet. He responded saying that all processes had been completed in the remaining regions but that complaints were only raised in Waterberg region.
Following Monday’s events, ANC Youth League (Ancyl) Provincial Secretary Che Selane said in a statement that they intended requesting Secretary General Gwede Mantashe to prefer charges against officials of the ANC in the province for deliberately stalling to implement the decision of the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC), which was to ask Mashamaite “to step aside”.
He stated the Ancyl in Limpopo was disturbed by the chaotic scenes that occurred at the ANC’s provincial office on Monday. “The Ancyl would like to remind the people of Waterberg that Frans Mohlala House is not only a revolutionary house, but a place of work for others. The rented mob which stormed the offices of the ANC looking for whoever they were looking for must be condemned with the strongest terms possible.”
He said he found it disturbing that the protestors, mostly women, were allegedly demonstrating in support of Mashamaite, who was still in office after they have asked the ANC in the province to deal with the matter.

Story and photos: YOLANDE NEL

Featured photo: Protestors prevent an individual suspected of having documents in her possession from leaving the premises of Frans Mohlala House on Monday.

The crowd gathered outside the ANC party headquarters.
The crowd gathered outside the ANC party headquarters.
Some of the posters on display targeted ANC Provincial Secretary Nocks Seabi.
Some of the posters on display targeted ANC Provincial Secretary Nocks Seabi.
An ANC security officer engages with the crowd of protestors.
An ANC security officer engages with the crowd of protestors.
ANC Waterberg Regional Secretary Tolly Mashamaite outside Frans Mohlala House on Monday afternoon.
ANC Waterberg Regional Secretary Tolly Mashamaite outside Frans Mohlala House on Monday afternoon.
ANC Deputy Provincial Chairperson Jerry Ndou gets approached by a protestor.
ANC Deputy Provincial Chairperson Jerry Ndou gets approached by a protestor.
ANC Deputy Provincial Secretary Makoma Makhurupetje indicates willingness to talk to the rowdy crowd outside the party provincial headquarters.
ANC Deputy Provincial Secretary Makoma Makhurupetje indicates willingness to talk to the rowdy crowd outside the party provincial headquarters.
A woman flees the crowd outside Frans Mohlala House.
A woman flees the crowd outside Frans Mohlala House.
The assault continues.
The assault continues.
A woman gets attacked for documents in her possession upon exiting Frans Mohlala House on Monday.
A woman gets attacked for documents in her possession upon exiting Frans Mohlala House on Monday.

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