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Mphogodiba Branch celebrates Oliver Tambo Month

Sunday was a day of jubilation at Mankgaile Primary School in Boyne when the Mphogodiba Branch of the African National Congress (ANC) celebrated Oliver Tambo Month. The event also served as a celebration of the party’s victory during the recent municipal elections and an opportunity to present John Mpe, Executive Mayor of Capricorn District Municipality …

Sunday was a day of jubilation at Mankgaile Primary School in Boyne when the Mphogodiba Branch of the African National Congress (ANC) celebrated Oliver Tambo Month.
The event also served as a celebration of the party’s victory during the recent municipal elections and an opportunity to present John Mpe, Executive Mayor of Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) to guests.
Supporters arrived from 09:00 and were entertained by artists that included Dr Malinga, King Monada, Little Brenda Fassie, DJ Ganyane and Gusta Lucka. Messages of support were delivered on behalf of the ANC Women’s League by Chairperson Magdeline Molepo, South African Communist Party by Chairperson of Castro Pilusa District Desmond Mahopo and the South African National Civic Organisation by Polokwane sub region Chairperson Maseakwala Sexudu.

Polokwane municipal councillor Charles Molepo and John Mpe, CDM Executive Mayor.
Polokwane municipal councillor Charles Molepo and John Mpe, CDM Executive Mayor.

Joe Machaba, Chairperson of the Polokwane sub region, introduced key note speaker Thabo Mokone, member of the ANC Provincial Executive Committee. Mokone said that the branch can be very happy to have a former resident and branch chairperson as the new Executive Mayor of Capricorn district. “The Executive Mayor should not stay in his office in town but come to the area regularly to report to the residents. He should not allow his duties and responsibilities in the district to keep him away from us,” Mokone advised.
In reply, Mpe said that everyone should be aware that the ANC is the only liberation movement that liberated the people of South Africa and must provide services to the people selflessly and not be in positions in the ANC to benefit themselves. “Oliver Tambo liberated Nelson Mandela so that he could become the President of South Africa, not for himself to become the president,” Mpe reckoned.
Provincial Deputy Secretary of the ANC and MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs Makoma Makhurupetje and Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng also joined the festivities.

Story and photos: BARRY VILJOEN

Featured photo: Chairperson of the Mphogodiba Branch of the ANC Solomon Ma­hlatji, CDM Executive Mayor John Mpe and member of the ANC Provincial Executive Committee Thabo Mokone on the stage at the Oliver Tambo Month celebrations.

Young ANC supporters enjoy the celebrations at Mankgaile Primary School.
Young ANC supporters enjoy the celebrations at Mankgaile Primary School.
Supporters waiting for the proceedings to start.
Supporters waiting for the proceedings to start.
Dancers provide entertainment to guests at the celebrations.
Dancers provide entertainment to guests at the celebrations.

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