Old vs new cars: Which is the safest in head-on crashes?

Pundits will argue that vehicles of yesteryear with their solid metal bumpers and thicker metal bodies should make small change of modern vehicles in a head-on collision and you will find few who stand to correct them.

Well, video footage has emerged proving the exact opposite.

The US-based Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) tested the latest Nissan Versa (sold as the Almera in South Africa) against a 1990’s Nissan Tsuru, which is still produced in Mexico, but is set to be discontinued in May next year.

The video below shows the Almera, with its modern safety cell and crumple zones, practically destroy the front passenger compartment of the older Tsuru.

The video shows how little protection the much older model Tsuru offers in the event of an accident, versus that of the modern Almera.


Youtube video via IIHS


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