
Society for young creatives

A group of learners have found a way to exercise their creativity and promote a culture of reading in their school

POLOKWANE – A group of 58 learners from Mafolofolo High School meet on a weekly basis to take part in a variety of creative and engaging activities to promote language and creativity.

The English Society was established at the school, located in Sebayeng outside Polokwane, to give learners a platform to unleash their artistic talents through learning. The society was established earlier this year and they meet at least once a week, on a Wednesday, for two hours after school.

“We take part in activities ranging from poetry to spelling bees, storytelling, reading, and quiz games,” chairperson of the society, Elizabeth Kutumela explains.

The Gr 10 learner, who founded the society, says the venture gives them an opportunity to learn outside the classroom.  She says learning is effortless as they are doing what they love.

According to Elizatbeth, it a good way of promoting language and making learners feel comfortable speaking English since it is the medium of instruction in many schools and tertiary instiutions. “Next year we are going to host a competition. We are currently raising funds to assist in rewarding those who do well.”

Aspiring poet Ruth Raluka ,says she helps other poets to write and recite their work.

English teacher, Metse Mokoatedi, who facilitates the society, says this venture has introduced a culture of reading at school.

“Their writing has improved, their marks have improved and they are more confident in speaking English,” she says.

Elizabeth Kutumela, Sinah Lekota, Maria Malatji and Ruth Raluka are the members of the English Society in Mafolofolo High School.

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