R8m donation for learners in Vuwani

The Oxford University Press Southern Africa (OUPSA), in conjunction with the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT), have donated R8m towards the education of Vuwani learners who lost months of school time due to their schools being torched.

LIMPOPO – The two institutions handed over educational material, CAPS approved books and other supplies worth R8m to the learners at the Vhembe District Circuit of Education Warehouse near the University of Venda on Thursday, 29 September.

The aim of the donation is to support Limpopo’s Department of Education in their efforts to repair the damage caused by the protesters. A total of 28 schools were burned down when angry residents protested against the decision by the demarcation board to incorporate their area into the new municipality which includes some parts of Malamulele. The donated materials will be distributed among all the schools that were affected by the protest.

“What the two institutions have done for the Vuwani learners is out of this world, even though it will take months for the situation to return to normal, this will go a long way in helping the learners,” said Mpho Mufamadi, a resident of Vuwani.

The marketing director of OUPSA, Rudi Venter, said: “The DBE has estimated that R350m is required to restore the damaged schools in Vuwani. Our donation comprises foundation phase and Gr 12 material for the learners. We at OUPSA have recognised the power of education to uplift and equip individuals, as well as communities to better their lives. That is why we decided to assist the DBE in Limpopo to rebuild the school system through this donation,” Venter said.


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