
Lim residents warned about ‘bogus police’ scam

After several families have been swindled out of their money by criminals masquerading as SAPS officers, the Limpopo Hawks released the following statement. 

LIMPOPO – “No police investigator will collect money from the families of the arrested suspects in exchange for either having their loved ones released, or to make a police docket disappear,” reads the statement.

The criminals pretending to be police investigating officers use the following modus operandi.

“The criminals visit the families of arrested persons masquerading as investigating officers. They promise to release their arrested family members or make the case docket against them disappear if they pay a certain amount of money.

Our office is overwhelmed with complaints regarding this issue and we urge people offered such an absurd offer not succumb to the scam. Instead they must immediately call the nearest police station or our crime stop number on 08600 10111 or emergency number 112, concluded the statement

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