The second Round Table a La Carte show recently took place at the Pietersburg Laerskool hall from 31 August to 3 September.

POLOKWANE – Both Round Table clubs in the city, Round Table Impala 157 and Round Table Pietersburg 22, once again opened the gates and let it all out with skits that had the audience rolling with laughter.

The shows included a special performance for senior citizens. The MCs for the recent event were Gert Ehlers and Russel Gutche and they made sure the guests were kept entertained with their jokes and quips between shows.

The recent a La Carte show introduced the first bilingual Noot vir Noot featuring the band, Wrong Direction, whose members could play their instruments backwards and made for loads of entertainment and laughter.

The most popular topics included Sweizer Reineke among others and the recent Rio Olympics also made a feature with synchronised diving acts.

The show came to a fun and glamorous end with an a La Carte Skouspel featuring every cast member after which guests had the opportunity to bid on any of the acts to auction off the chance for the act to get an encore.

All the proceeds will be donated to Pathways as well as the La Wiida Learning Centre.

Some of the performances:

WARNING: poor sound quality


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