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Man followed, robbed by three men in silver BMW

Yet another local businessperson has apparently fallen prey to the gang suspected to have been responsible for several crimes targeting residents of especially Nirvana. To add to the latest alleged victim’s woes he also received poor service from the Police. The businessperson, who wishes to remain anonymous, was allegedly robbed of cash and a laptop …

Yet another local businessperson has apparently fallen prey to the gang suspected to have been responsible for several crimes targeting residents of especially Nirvana.
To add to the latest alleged victim’s woes he also received poor service from the Police.
The businessperson, who wishes to remain anonymous, was allegedly robbed of cash and a laptop on Saturday morning by three or four men in a silver BMW. The man said he went to the bank in the central business district to make a deposit. “When I left the bank I went home. I then went to a shop in Nirvana but didn’t notice that my vehicle’s doors had not been locked. It was only when I came out that I noticed my bag with laptop and cash inside was stolen,” he said.
The victim immediately went back into the store to look at their surveillance footage “A silver BMW stopped and a man got out, opened my door and took the bag. When I saw the silver BMW I realised that I had seen the vehicle following me from the bank to my house and then to the store. I suspect they used the remote jamming technique in order for my car not to lock and to get access to the bag,” he said.
The victim went to the Polokwane Police Station to report the case. “The officer on duty was not helpful at first and demanded that I report the case at Westenburg Police Station. I was also told by the officer on duty that the Police are well aware of the alleged silver BMW causing trouble in Polokwane. If they are aware of the BMW and a victim of this specific group of criminals walks in, why are they still reluctant to assist you,” the man wanted to know.
The man said the officer, after a lengthy argument, eventually registered the case at Polokwane station but referred it to Westenburg Police Station.
Polokwane Police Spokesperson Lesiba Ramoshaba said it does not matter where the incident happened and that any case can be reported at any station. “The station at which the case was opened will then send the docket to the relevant station. No one can be refused to report a case at any station,” Ramoshaba said.

Story: RC Myburgh

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