108 locals claim stands on land donated by muni

The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform is constructing a 7,2 km gravel road in Pietersburg Ext 40 adjacent to Westenburg to allow 108 families to claim their stands.

POLOKWANE – According to the Department of Rural Development Spokesperson, Nicholas Magada, the purpose of the project is to construct gravel roads and earth drainage systems to allow easy access for the occupants.

The project cost is estimated at R19 million and the land was donated by the Polokwane Municipality.

Magada said: “The office of the Regional Land Claims Commissioner received the individually-lodged claims by the New Pietersburg claimants which was in compliance with the requirements of Section 2 of the restitution of Land Rights Act 22 of 1994, as amended in that the claimants were dispossessed of rights to land as a result of the Group Areas Act 36 of 1966”.

He further said this legislation was racially discriminatory in that it declared the area occupied by New Pietersburg claimants an area for occupation by white persons. Accordingly, the claimants were evicted from the land. The dispossession took place in 1968 when the claimants were loaded into GG trucks and their dwellings bulldozed.

He said: “The Africans were relocated to Seshego Township which is approximately 10 km to the west of Polokwane. The majority of the claimants were dispossessed of formal titles to the land while a few had beneficial occupation. The total area claimed by the 108 families is approximately 23,58ha”.

He further said the minister has approved financial compensation in favour of 269 of the 382 New Pietersburg land claimants in terms of Section 42D of the Restitution of Land Rights Acts 22 of 1994, as amended.The claimants will be given their land back. The minister also approved the restoration of rights in land to claimants. According to Magada, this project which is assigned to Betsekgadi Community Projects will take approximately eight months to complete. The planning for the construction of the road started in October last year.

The construction of the gravel road started this year on 21 July. This project includes other government departmental entities such as the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) and Polokwane Local Municipality.

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