
Dti, SAPS blitz shuts down illegal liquor outlets

More than thirty-nine outlets raging from Taverns, Restaurants, Distributors and Manufacturers were raided in Bela-Bela, Rooiberg, Kromdraai, Pienaarsrivier and Zuma Location.

LIMPOPO – An inspection blitz that started on Friday morning and ended in the early hours of Sunday by officials from the Department of Trade and Industry, (dti), South African Police Service and Limpopo Liquor Board saw about 10 illegal liquor outlets shut down, while 15 notices were issued to the value of R8 000, 43 cases opened with the police for charges including possession of dagga, possession of dangerous weapons, trading of liquor without a license, and distribution of liquor to unlicensed persons.

According to the Chief Director at the dti’s National Liquor Authority (NLA) Ms Prea Ramdhuny, the purpose of the inspection blitz was to enforce compliance with the Liquor Act, 2003 (Act 59 of 2003) within the liquor industry in Bela Bela and surrounding areas.

“Most outlets that were given fines and compliance notices were traders operating with leased licenses, alteration without authority, failing to produce proof of registration renewal, failing to keep records of license holders,” said Ramdhuny.

Ramdhuny added that it is clear that some of the registrants are in deliberate violation of the provisions of regulation 22 of the 2013 Liquor Amendment Regulations, which stipulate that registrants must keep records of all retailers buying liquor from their premises.

She said this deliberate act is intended to avoid a situation that you will be charged for selling liquor to unlicensed.

“We need to communicate more on the norms and standards including the Liquor Amendment Regulation, of 2013. This will enhance compliance on registrants and will reduce the amount of liquor that is distributed to illegal traders,” she said.

SAPS National Liquor Control, Colonel Thomas Sithagu said contact crimes like murder, robbery, assault and rape are still problematic in the country and these crimes are caused by the abuse of alcohol and drugs.

“By doing these raids some of these cases can be prevented and can lead to the reduce of contact crimes in order to ensure compliance among licence holders and to prevent accessibility of liquor by illegal traders,” said Colonel Sithangu.

The Director for Compliance at the Limpopo Liquor Board, Mr Dion Pelser said since the last operation by the Province a number of illegal traders has significantly reduced.

“The blitz has shown that the message is getting across to the traders but there are still cases were you still find traders breaking the law and not complying. We still want to reach a certain percentage were we see the industry transforming and contributing to the economy of the country,” said Pelser

Pelser said the board wants liquor traders to comply, trade responsibly and avoid a situation where their licences are revoked or cancelled.

Most of the illegal liquor trade premises that were closed down were populated by young children who were under-age. Common contraventions ranged from patrons drinking outside the liquor premises, selling take away while in possession of an on-consumption licence, failure to display original licence, effecting structural alterations without prior approval of the board, and operating a tavern with a liquor hotel.


Issued by Department of Trade and Industry

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