Watching out for our furry friends

Review spoke with the Chairperson of the Polokwane SPCA, Tania le Roux, to find out more about what the SPCA's policy on bringing in strays, unwanted pets or if you accidentally run over an animal are.

POLOKWANE – She explained that it is better for people who can no longer care for their pets or who find strays to rather bring them to the SPCA rather than dropping them somewhere along the side of the road.

“When people drop unwanted animals along the side of the road, these animals usually end up being run over by vehicles and either die or are badly injured. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you accidentally run over an animal or find an animal that has been run over, you can take the animal to the veterinarian or if you cannot afford the veterinarian fees, you can bring the animal to the SPCA.

‘We will never turn away an injured or unwanted animal’

It is also advisable for people to be more attentive when driving at night and to avoid speeding because this is the time when cats are usually most active and they can accidentally be run over.

She says it is also important to make sure that whenever you get a domestic worker or a gardener, especially if they are new, they understand they should keep the gates closed so your pets cannot get out and wander the streets to avoid injury to your pets or your pets getting lost.”

For any questions or to get hold of an inspector, phone (015) 291 1088.

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