Local NewsNews

Your vote can bring about change

With Municipal Elections coming up in a few weeks, Ward councillors from the ANC, the DA and the EFF are encouraging residents to exercise their right to vote and make a change in their community.

POLOKWANE – This is what they had to say:

Tiny Chidi –  DA Ward Councillor Candidate

Solomon Mashau – ANC Ward Councillor Candidate

“ I am requesting all community members to exercise their right to vote. On the 3 of August go and vote honestly for people you know will make a difference in your community and those who have knowledge of the democracy, what it stands for and those who have insight and innovative ideas to make the community as a whole, better.”

Len Meyer – Ward 22 Councillor EFF

“To really place change, order and stability into the community and the community at large, go and vote with the mind and not with the heart and exercise your right to vote.”


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