Bogus teen doctor still in police custody

The bail hearing of the 19-year-old Maria Lebo Mokgobu who posed as a doctor continued in the Polokwane Magistrate's Court today (Wednesday).

POLOKWANE – She faces charges of fraud, forgery, and altering medical qualifications for the purpose of gaining employment.

“The hearing was postponed to tomorrow (Thursday), says provincial spokesperson for the Hawks, Capt Matimba Maluleke.

She was arrested by the Hawks at the Department of Health offices on 8 June, where she attended interviews for the position of cardiologist.

According to the provincial spokesperson for the Hawks, Capt Matimba Maluleke, she had applied for a cardiologist post at the Pietersburg Provincial Hospital using  a fraudulent American cardiologist certificate.

The department verified her qualifications and they were found to be fraudulent. Preliminary investigations revealed that she did not have a matric certificate.

She remains in police in police custody.


Read more:
Bogus teen doctor appears in court

Hawks bust teen posing as a cardiologist

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