Endangered white lion body parts found: case postponed

The three suspects aged between 34 and 41, arrested over the weekend appeared briefly in the Namakgale Magistratees Court on Monday, the case has been postponed say the police.

LIMPOPO – Peter Nathi (41) , Alone Mapfumari (41) and Phenius Mngomezulu (34) charged with the illegal possession of endangered animal(white lion) will remain in custody until the next court date says provicnial police spokesperson, Col Malesela Ledwaba.

The suepcts were arrested on Sunday after their vehicle was searched by the members from the  Rhino Project Task Team.

“Upon searching the vehicle they found a bag containing four white lion claws, a head and a tail,” said Ledwaba in a previous statement.

The case has been postponed to 27 June 2016.

Read more:

Three more arrested with white lions parts
Lions parts: suspects appear before court

3 nabbed for sale of lion parts

3 more lions poisoned, mutilated

2 female white lions poisoned, mutilated

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