Woman mugged, assaulted at knifepoint

A case of robbery and assault is being investigated after Dorothy Malan was attacked and mugged while using a familiar shortcut to town recently, confirmed Police Spokesperson WO Lesiba Ramoshaba.

POLOKWANE –  Dorothy Malan was robbed and assaulted after taking a familiar shortcut to town over the weekend.

“I stay on a plot on the N1 South and have to walk to the shops if I need something. The easiest way to cross the busy street is to take the storm water tunnel which connects to the N1,” Malan explained.

On Saturday, after passing through the tunnel making her way toward the bridge – something she says she has done so many times before  – a man with a knife grabbed her and demanded that she give him money and anything valuable that she was carrying with her.

“After I gave him my money and phone he grabbed my arm with both hands and threw me up against the side of the tunnel,” Malan said.

She added that the man kicked her twice before leaving her and running off into the field.

Polokwane Police Spokesperson WO Lesiba Ramoshaba confirmed a case of robbery and assault is being investigated.

Police, CPF members will patrol these problem areas

Ramoshaba urged residents to refrain from making use of areas that are not safe like bushy pathways and tunnels like the one Malan used, as it has been seen that criminals are using the areas to rob people as it is out of direct sight of traffic and provides secluded areas for criminals to set up camp.

Ramoshaba added that the police will be meeting with community policing forum members to help them with patrols of such areas.

He called on residents to report on other crimes happening in the same kind setting to the CPF and police to make sure that these areas are also patrolled.

This storm water tunnel on the N1 South was the scene of the robbery and attack of Dorothy Malan.


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