SANBS holds blood drive at MGM Group

MGM Group Citroën and Mahindra held a blood drive on Tuesday during which employees and other volunteers donated blood. Lorynne Kritzinger, Clients Relations and Marketing Manager said the dealership regularly hosts blood drives also in order to raise awareness about the need for safe blood across the globe. She expressed concern that fewer persons were …

MGM Group Citroën and Mahindra held a blood drive on Tuesday during which employees and other volunteers donated blood.
Lorynne Kritzinger, Clients Relations and Marketing Manager said the dealership regularly hosts blood drives also in order to raise awareness about the need for safe blood across the globe. She expressed concern that fewer persons were donating blood compared to earlier drives.
The South African National Blood Services (SANBS) informs that the people who benefit the most from donated blood are accident victims, surgical and cancer patients, children with severe anaemia and women who haemorrhage as result of complicated pregnancy.
Blood is also needed for regular transfusions for people with blood conditions such as the blood disorders Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease. In addition donated blood is utilised to prepare blood products such as clotting factors for people with haemophilia while around 6% of all blood donated goes towards medical research.
SANBS further informs that eight out of ten people will need donated blood at some point in their lives.

Featured Foto’s: Alet-Elize van Jaarsveld – Baan van Zyl, Sales Manager of Mahindra and Callie van Heerden, Brand Manager for Peugeot and Citroën being attended to by SANBS Donor Attendant, Isaac Mothapo.

Alet-Elize van Jaarsveld

Foto’s: Alet-Elize van Jaarsveld
Baan van Zyl, Sales Manager of Mahindra and Callie van Heerden, Brand Manager for Peugeot and Citroën being attended to by SANBS Donor Attendant, Isaac Mothapo.


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