Terrorised by mysterious fire which starts on its own

A family from Ha-Ravele in the Sinthumule area is being terrorised by a mystery fire which starts on its own

LIMPOPO – Gogo Mukumela Sebola now she fears that the flame will end up killing her family.

Sebola still remember how the horror started.

“We were all outside our three-roomed house when the fire started under the bed. It then escalated to other rooms. The community came to help, but it was too late. The evil flame hunted us four times within two weeks and the latest incident happened on Sunday where the wardrobe and clothes were burnt.

The second time, I was sleeping and realised there was smoke coming from under my bed. I got up and tried to extinguish the fire, but it was so strong and the bucket of water couldn’t fight the fire.

“We packed our remaining stuff and moved to another house and the fire followed us. We were watching helpless when the fire consumed our belongings.

Things lost in the fire

Sebola said they have lost everything and are homeless. The family is currently accommodated by a friend.

“My blankets, sofas, clothes, school books, three beds, ID, groceries, chairs, wardrobe and curtains have been damaged. When my grandchildren come home from school, they are afraid to go into the house,” she said.

“I never thought something like this would happen in my house: I am stunned, because people claim it can happen if you have debt or have a grudge against somebody. I do not harbour grudges against anybody.”

She appealed to the community to help her with food, clothes and to pray for the family, for the fire to stop.

Famous traditional healer Dr Mmbulaheni Neluvhola appeals to whoever might be causing these fires to stop doing it.

“This is done by jealous people who do not want this family to enjoy life. We will do everything to make sure the family leads a normal life again.”

Those who wish to help Sebola can contact her at 079 635 4262.






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