
Have your say with regards to proposed muni tariff hikes

Polokwane Municpality urges all residents within the cluster to attend the community 2016/17 Draft IDP and Budget consultation meeting.

POLOKWANE – “The purpose of the session is to get input regarding proposed tariffs on services like water and electricity and other services required,” says a municipal spokesperson Tidimalo Chuene.

“The session will also give feedback about progress made with service delivery in the cluster.”

The city cluster is made up of all the suburbs in the city area including: Westernburg, Nirvana, Ladanna and smallholding areas like Dalmada

The Executive Mayor Cllr Thembi Nkadimeng said it is crucial for the city residents to attend this meeting  as their input is essential to map the way forward regarding services.

“Members of the community are urged to attend the community consultation meetings so that they could have their word heard and contribute towards development within our city,” she said.

The meeting will be held at Jack Botes Hall on 20 April 2016 at 18:00.

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