Gratis uitstalruimte by kerkbasaar

Die NG Moedergemeente in die Thabo Mbekirylaan hou op 27 April sy jaarlikse basaar.

MOKOPANE – Die basaar open om 08:00 tot ongeveer 12:00. Alle besighede en/of organisasies wat nie op winsbejag ingestel is nie, word vriendelik uitgenooi om gratis uitstalruimtes daartydens op die terrein op te neem om hul besighede, spesifieke produkte of dienste te adverteer en/of bekend te stel. Geen verkope op die dag self word toegelaat nie.

Uitstalruimtes kan reeds die vorige dag ingerig en betrek word aangesien daar ‘n sekuriteitswag deur die nag aan diens sal wees, maar moet vanaf 08h00 op 27 Apr oop wees vir besoekers. Uitstallers is verantwoordelik vir die totaliteit van inrigting van hul uitstalruimtes.

Kontak gerus vir Angela by die kerkkantoor soggens by 014 491 2626 of vir Corinus by 082 818 8495 om belangstelling en spesifieke behoeftes te registreer.


DR Church Piet Potgietersrus will have its annual basaar on its church grounds in the main street on 27 Apr from 08h00 to about 12h00. All businesses and/or organisations without profit as aim are cordially invited to take up free exhibition space on the day to promote a business, specific product and/or service. No sales will be allowed on the day.

Exhibition space can be taken up the previous day already as a security guard will be on duty during that night, but must be ready for visitors from 08h00 on 27 Apr. Exhibitors are totally responsible for everything applicable to allocated spaces.

Please contact Angela at the church office mornings at 015 491 2626 or Corinus on 082 818 8495 to register or book specific requirements.

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