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Premier awards excellence

The Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet) took top honours at the Premier’s Excellence Awards made during a gala dinner last Thursday. Zeal, excellence, commitment and hard work were celebrated with the purpose of instituting Batho Pele. Twenty-four teams from seven departments initially entered the competition, but two withdrew. Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements …

Simon Mogale in 2013 walked from Johannesburg Park station to Polokwane to raise funds for Judy’s Paradise Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Lebowakgomo and to encourage people to donate blood. In 2015 he walked from Polokwane to Phalaborwa and intends walking from Durban to Polo­kwane this year.
Simon Mogale in 2013 walked from Johannesburg Park station to Polokwane to raise funds for Judy’s Paradise Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Lebowakgomo and to encourage people to donate blood. In 2015 he walked from Polokwane to Phalaborwa and intends walking from Durban to Polo­kwane this year.

The Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet) took top honours at the Premier’s Excellence Awards made during a gala dinner last Thursday.
Zeal, excellence, commitment and hard work were celebrated with the purpose of instituting Batho Pele. Twenty-four teams from seven departments initially entered the competition, but two withdrew.
Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs MEC Makoma Makhurupetje acted on behalf of Premier Stan Mathabatha, who was out of the province.
Eight special awards were also made to persons who inspire others: Florence Khosa, founder of the Elim Hlanganani Society for the Aged in 1993 when a nearby hospital had to close down its frail care wards; William Fox Mosana from Extension 13, Phagameng who built a handmade water pump to harvest underground water for the community; The Kasi Junction Group founded by Don Sedibe to uplift and improve the social life of the people in Namakgale; Nkhensani Khosa who found the Nthabiseng Special School that offers skills and vocational programmes to children; Bernice Makgoro Mannya, owner of 100 % black women owned Ditubatse Business Enterprise that ventures in agriculture and agro-processing; Joanah Mmane Ngoasheng who, having suffered various forms of abuse, gives motivational intervention and guidance through broadcasting spots on radio; handicapped Simon Mogale who in 2013 walked from Park Station in Johannesburg to Polokwane to raise funds for Judy’s Paradise centre for children with cerebral palsy and to encourage people to donate blood and continues to create awareness for the disabled; Shumani Ravhuanzwo, acting District Director for the Department of Education in Vhembe under whose supervision schools are resuscitated and performing well.
In the category Best Support Team the platinum award went to Ledet’s team of Lekgalameetse Nature Reserve field rangers, the gold award went to the Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure (DPWRI) and the silver award was awarded to the South African Police Service’s ProvJoc Secretariat.
The category for Best Innovative Team platinum was won by Ledet’s Wolkberg Nature Reserve’s field rangers. Ledet also won the gold and silver awards in this category.
In Category D for Best Service Delivery Team, DPWRI won the platinum award, the gold award went to the Department of Health’s assistive device services team at the Tshilidzini Hospital and the silver award was won by the Seshego Hospital Team of the Department of Health for the reduction of neo-natal deaths at the facility.


Featured photo: Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure MEC Jerry Ndou with the team who did him proud by winning the Premier’s Service Excellence Award, platinum,  in the category Best Service Delivery Team for the re-gravelling of roads to link two villages with each other.

These teams from Ledet, with MEC Seaparo Sekoati, made a clean sweep in the Best Innovative Team awards category by winning the platinum, gold and silver awards.
These teams from Ledet, with MEC Seaparo Sekoati, made a clean sweep in the Best Innovative Team awards category by winning the platinum, gold and silver awards.

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