‘A real local hero with a heart of gold’

Being a police officer is more than just a job for Const Jaco du Plessis, who is stationed at the Westenburg Police Station

POLOKWANE –  “It’s all about assisting people, not about seeing who you can arrest and put behind bars,” Jaco believes.

He says when he is at work, he is still the man who left his home in the morning, the man who believes in being positive.

“It is important to always be yourself. Life can get negative sometimes, nothing is more important than being a positive element in the workplace.”

Jaco has been mentioned on several social media sites and has been praised for his service by residents of the community he works in, including with letters written to BONUS’ sister publication, Review.

In one letter he is called “a real local hero with a human touch and a heart of gold”.

Jaco says assisting people is just what he does. Since joining the police force 11 years ago, he has had a passion for working with people, but never had the opportunity until he moved to Polokwane and started working at the Westenburg Police Station.

“Since moving here, I have been able to work with people and really help them. I don’t believe in just locking up people. I believe the police are there to assist people and will go out of my way to do so.”

He says being a police officer is something that comes from the heart. “It is a service that you give and if you want to do it for the money then you should find something else to do.”

He says a simple “thank you” is worth more than money. “Being a police officer is my passion, I am here to serve.”




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