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Online shopping vs ‘mall rush’ – residents give their view

Even though online shopping is considered fast, convenient and goods are delivered at your doorstep, there are still people who prefer the trip to the mall this festive season.

POLOKWANE – Even though online shopping is considered fast, convenient and goods are delivered at your doorstep, there are still people who prefer the trip to the mall this festive season.

Joey Williams.
Joey Williams.

Joey Williams loves this time of the year and enjoys going to the mall with his wife and children.

“As a child my mother used to take me to town for Christmas shopping and I loved it. The malls are buzzing with people and it just gives me an adrenaline rush. Me and my wife normally do clothing shopping for us and the children in August and September. I also buy my turkey a month before, because the birds sell out quick.

“Now we only do Christmas present shopping. I am a traditional Christian, we go to church on Christmas morning, when we get back we open presents and thereafter we sit around the table as a family and enjoy a Christmas lunch. Nothing beats the feeling of cutting the turkey on Christmas day,” Williams says.

Christiaan Buys.
Christiaan Buys.

Christiaan Buys also enjoys to visit the mall.

“We are never at home during the Christmas holiday so we normally spend time shopping in the mall wherever we go,” Buys explains.

Kopano Lekgau.
Kopano Lekgau.

Kopano Legau agrees with Buys and Williams that the “mall rush” beats online shopping.

“Online you do not get to see all the specials. When you go to the mall you can go to every shop and find what you need and also see what else is on sale in store. Sometimes online your credit card is declined, and you cannot buy what you want, but in the mall you can go to the nearest ATM and draw money and get what you want,” Legau adds.

He also does most of his Christmas shopping in October and November, but still visit the local malls to see if there are other specials not to he missed.

Jeanne Steele.
Jeanne Steele.

Jeanne Steele says she enjoys the outdoors and that is why she prefers the malls over online shopping.

Danielle van Schalkwyk.
Danielle van Schalkwyk.

However, Danielle van Schalkwyk prefers online shopping because it is safer.

“I try to avoid going to town or malls as much as possible because this time of the year it is normally full and busy and the chances of being robbed is big. I enjoy shopping in the comfort of my home, and the best part is that whatever I buy online gets delivered to my doorstep,” Van Schalwyk adds.

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