16 days of Activism: violence can take many forms

The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children is an international awareness-raising campaign.

The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children is an international awareness-raising campaign. It takes place every year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day).


South Africa adopted the campaign in 1998 as one of the intervention strategies towards creating a society free of violence. The campaign continues to raise  awareness among South Africans about the negative impact of violence against women and children (VAW&C) on all members of the community.

Support the campaign by wearing the white ribbon during the 16-day period:

A white ribbon is a symbol of peace and symbolises the commitment of the wearer to never commit or condone violence against women and children.

Violence takes many forms, for example:

Encourage others to Speak out against woman and child abuse.

Where to get help


SAPS Crime Stop
08600 10111

Gender-Based Violence Command Centre
0800 428428/0800 GBV GBV

STOP Gender Violence Helpline
0800 150 150/ *120*7867# from any cell phone

Childline- Report child abuse
0800 055 555

Family and Marriage Society of South Africa – Advice on family relationships
011 975 7107



Human Trafficking
08000 737 283 (08000 rescue) / 082 455 3664

SA National Council for Child Welfare
011 339 5741


via SAgov


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