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Understand why she is late for work

It is 07:00 on a Monday morning, your house is a mess and you are late for work

POLOKWANE – It is 07:00 on a Monday morning, your house is a mess and you are late for work. The domestic worker is late, which is why you are also running so late. You keep glancing at your watch until she comes running, apologising all the way. You quickly tell her what to do before rushing off to work.

You sometimes encounter this problem at work as well. It is 09:00 and the cleaning staff are running late. Everyone has to clean their own cutlery and there is no one to bring you a fresh cup of coffee or tea.

Frieda Shokane (50) is a cleaner in the city. She stays in Madiga near Turfloop, and she travels to the city daily to do her work.

Frieda is married to Isaac Makwakwana and they have one daughter and two grandchildren. She says both her husband and daughter are struggling to find employment.

“I finished school and I did good in mathematics. After school, I struggled to find employment before I started to work at offices in Polokwane. I have to get on the bus at 04:30 in the morning to be on time for work. The bus does not stop near my workplace, so I have to walk there. In the afternoon, I have to finish early so I have time to walk to the bus stop again and get on the bus at 16:30. It takes me 45 minutes to get home from the time I get on the bus.”

Frieda says although she works all day and travels long distances, she still has to take care of her family at home. Making meals and ensuring the house is nice and clean.

“If the bus is late, I am late and then my employer is angry. They do not always understand these things.”

So next time you are in a huff because someone is late, please take into consideration the challenges and trepidation they face daily. Even without the drivers often striking, it is still an arduous journey to get to work.



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