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Delayed UIF payments: ‘I had to borrow money to buy nappies’

Expectant mothers who need to claim maternity unemployment insurance funds (UIF) say the Department of Labour gives them the runabout when they apply for their benefits.

POLOKWANE – Expectant mothers who need to claim maternity unemployment insurance funds (UIF) say the Department of Labour gives them the runabout when they apply for their benefits.

Some women who spoke to Review claimed that they had to wait months for their money to be paid out. They also said the department does not interact with applicants to notify them when there are problems with their documentation. This stops the verification of their applications and delays payment, they said.

“The personnel are unfriendly and they treat you with no respect. You sit in long queues and are sent from the one person to the next. It is important that once you have submitted your application you call every second week to check on the progress of your application, because the department will not let you know if there is a problem or not,” one of the women said.

Another woman confirmed this, and said her UIF claim was only paid out after she had already gone back to work.

“I applied for my UIF in April, and I was told that within a month my money would be paid out. After a month I called and they told me that my application was still being verified. They said I must call after two weeks. I called two weeks later and I was told that my letter from the bank was not correct and that I must resubmit it. If I did not call that day, I would not have known that there was a problem with my documents. I resubmitted my banking details, and I was told it would take another two weeks before my claim was processed,” the woman explained. Two weeks later she called them again, but still her application had not been approved.

“I could not even enjoy my first month with my baby, because I was so stressed about money. I had no income and was dependent on the UIF money to support me and my child while I was on maternity leave. I could not pay my accounts and I had to borrow money to buy toiletries and nappies for my child. Only when I was back at work, four months after my application was submitted, my money was paid out,” the woman said.


Review contacted the department for comment on the matter

Review journalist was told that there is no spokesperson for the provincial Department of Labour to deal with the media.

On Review’s request to speak to one of the managers, Review was told no one was available.

Review contacted the national Department of Labour for comment, but was referred from one person to the next, and no one could assist.


When claiming for maternity benefits, applicants must have the following documents:

• An ID or passport;

• A form available at the Department of Labour, which the bank must complete;

• An application form available at the Department of Labour;

• A medial certificate from a doctor or the birth certificate of the baby, and;

• A follow up form.

The application must be submitted at the nearest labour centre, which will then be captured and sent for verification before being approved.


Find out more on how to claim UIF Maternity Benefits

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