
What you can do to help protect the rhino

To help combat rhino poaching in South Africa, Castle Lager has partnered with Mark Boucher to form the Castle Lager Boucher Legacy programme

POLOKWANE  – To help combat rhino poaching in South Africa, Castle Lager has partnered with Mark Boucher to form the Castle Lager Boucher Legacy programme.

According to Alastair Hewitt of the Castle Lager Boucher Legacy, the programme uses the Rhino DNA Index System to create an index of each South African rhino’s unique DNA profile, with the hope to expand the system to neighbouring countries where rhinos are also suffering at the hands of illegal poachers.

The Rhodis System has proven to be very effective as a tool to prosecute poachers found in possession of horns, as the tagged horns can be traced back to their place of origin. These prosecutions also act as a deterrent to future poachers.

“This problem is that the project is not yet operating at the scale necessary to combat the mass killing of rhino by poachers. It’s clear that we need to expand our efforts,” says Hewitt.

“We are asking you to help through the simple act of adding your voices to thousands of others in support of the Castle Lager Boucher Legacy. We want the message to be sent to as may people at the same time, on the same day as possible. To do so, we will be using a platform known as Thunderclap, which allows people to donate their social reach to worthy causes.”

To make a difference to rhino poaching, all you need to do is:

• Click on the Thunderclap link on

• When prompted, log in or register with either your Facebook or Twitter account details. You can then choose to support by sharing our message on Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr. Then click on “Add your support”.

• Tweet the following message:

“Come together and protect our rhino, one rhino at a time. Visit to help DNA Tag each and every rhino. #BoucherLegacy”.




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