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Blind artist to take music industry by storm

"Disability does not limit one from dreaming big." Andries Mogolo

Moyahabo Mabeba

LIMPOPO – “Disability does not limit one from dreaming big.”

Andries Mogolo (27) earlier this year announced his entrance on the entertainment scene with his 13-track debut album titled The Arrival and says he has set his sights on scooping major music accolades in the foreseeable future.

“Being blind sometimes gives many people the impression that we are disabled. That’s not true at all. Furthermore, as so-called disabled people, we are often overlooked and a lot of people do not expect us to achieve greatness in life,” Mogolo says.

The young man from Phokoane village in the Sekhukhune area has gone the extra mile to prove that visual impairment is not the end of the road.

Mogolo is already the pride of his close-knit rural community and is determined to take the music industry by storm. The album blasts off with the hit track, Kahlolo, in which the blind artist talks about judgment day.

From there, Mogolo pays tribute to women of the continent in the second track, African Lady, marking respect to women of substance and pedigree.

“Women of the African continent have survived many hardships in the struggle for emancipation. Even in countries ruled under democratic setups, women still struggle for political and economic freedom,” Mogolo explains.

In tracks number three, 10, 12 and 13, respectively titled I Wish You Where Mine, When I Touch You, Leraro and Lady, he ventures into love, the flagship songs that make Mogolo’s musical project a master blaster of an album to be listened to.

“There is nothing greater than love. Love is the Alfa and Omega of life. Without love, one feels lonely, and at times, as if the world has rejected you,” he says.

Although the album is highly entertaining, there is a moment of sadness in the track, Lehu, loosely translated as death.

“Death is as old as the mountains and we have to live with the reality that one day we have to die. It is an eternal truth written in the Holy Bible,” Mogolo says.

The album is currently on the shelves for R50.

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