Business leaders meet at launch

Leadership was the buzz word at Veritas Incorporated’s official launch at the Pietersburg Club with more than 100 business leaders from all over Limpopo in attendance on Tuesday morning. George Malan, a director at Veritas, introduced the audit, accounting and professional services firm to a selected audience of clients and business owners. He explained the …

Leadership was the buzz word at Veritas Incorporated’s official launch at the Pietersburg Club with more than 100 business leaders from all over Limpopo in attendance on Tuesday morning.
George Malan, a director at Veritas, introduced the audit, accounting and professional services firm to a selected audience of clients and business owners. He explained the scope of their services and emphasised that Veritas is one of the few businesses in Limpopo that still puts effort into training young people to be future chartered accountants.
Malan played a video clip in which a young girl throws a coin into the hat of a street musician. The bass player starts to play and, one by one, others join him until there is a whole orchestra and choir performing Beethoven’s ninth symphony.
He likened the orchestra to the Veritas team and explained that every coin spent at Veritas offers you access to an enthusiastic and professional team.
Malan asked the Veritas team to stand up and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Veritas team; your own personal symphony.”
Derek Venter, director, introduced economist Glen Steyn and human behaviour specialist Rudi Viljoen. Both Steyn and Viljoen had leadership at the core of their messages.
Steyn gave a short overview of the way that world economics influences the local economy. He explained how factors that have a negative impact on the economy build on each other, creating a downward spiral.
The economic analyst said a circuit breaker is needed to break the negative cycle and turn the economy around.
“That circuit breaker is leadership. Leadership is the ability to change people’s perspective and to get opposition to work together to reach one goal,” he said.
Viljoen started his talk with a story about how a teacher was able to coax the best out of him for the sole reason that the educator gave him recognition.
“All people have one thing in common; they want recognition for their work and talents. Most people suffer from limiting self belief and it is up to leaders to help them achieve their true potential,” he said.
He added that all people have the ability to be leaders; it is just a question of what type of leader they choose to be. “People will always give you what you expect. If you expect untrustworthiness, that is exactly what you will get. If you expect only the best, that is what you will get.”
Viljoen said authentic leaders are constantly looking for people to fill their shoes one day. “But you can never boost another person’s self worth if you are filled with self doubt.”
Third director in the Veritas triangle, Christine Espach, ended the morning’s proceedings with a few remarks. She thanked her partners, the Veritas team and every person who ever supported them for their contributions.
She encouraged guests to get in contact with Veritas on social media by visiting their website,, Facebook page veritascharteredaccountants, or following them on Twitter, @Veritas­_PLK.
The guests enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast and several commented on the professional launch and the valuable input of the speakers.


Gerhard Roux from the Limpopo Economic Development Agency share a few thoughts with Veritas Director Derek Venter.
Derek Venter Veritas Director, with Org Ehlers from ZZ2, Veritas Company Secretarial Manager Helga Moreira, and Tinus Pretorius from ZZ2.
Rudi Viljoen, human behaviour specialist, explains that it is up to every individual to play a leadership role.
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