DA:’We are desperately concerned about the state of affairs in dep of social development’

3 Old age homes in the province have not received their quarterly governmental subsidies and now face the possibility of closure.

POLOKWANE – “We are desperately concerned about the state of affairs in the department of social development in Limpopo.”

This was according to DA shadow deputy minister of social development, Lindy Wilson MP addressed the media on 24 August.

Old age Homes in the province have not received their subsidies from the department for last two quarters and now face closure.

Leaving 68 residents (some in their 90’s residents for many years,  will be out on the street and 54 staff members without jobs.

Situation is critical and is unacceptable.

The DA will hold MEC Joyce Mashamba accountable for the non payment of subsidies…


Full story in Review


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