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‘Schooling in SA is fascinating’ – Aloma Serra

Aloma Serra, an exchange student from Spain, will be a learner at Capricorn High School for the two months that she is in South Africa.

POLOKWANE – Aloma Serra is an exchange student from Barcelona in Spain. She will be a learner at Capricorn High School for the two months that she is in South Africa.

The 17-year-old says she has, and still is, enjoying the wonderful hospitality shown her by everyone she meets especially her host family.

Serra has found her experience at school fascinating

Two of the things that are different for her are that the lesson periods are short and that the learners change classes for each subject.

She says another good experience at school is when everyone assembles in the hall and they open the gathering with prayer.

“The religion here is different; the way they do things here is totally different from how we do things back home.” she explains.


She says one thing she misses about Spain is the freedom, over there one can do anything at anytime without feeling scared.

“I have realised that here you cannot just go out at night when and where you feel like it. It is not safe and there are rules that you have to follow.

“South Africa is completely different from how it is depicted on television or in books.”

“If I am given a chance to come back, I will.” she concludes.

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