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Full report on former Muni Manager withheld

Thembi Nkadimeng, Polokwane Executive Mayor, failed to respond to a request from Polokwane Observer to provide reasons why the full report of the independent investigator into the allegations brought against Connie Mametja, former Municipal Manager, was not tabled and disclosed for public knowledge during a special council meeting that took place last Friday. Mametja resigned …

Thembi Nkadimeng, Polokwane Executive Mayor, failed to respond to a request from Polokwane Observer to provide reasons why the full report of the independent investigator into the allegations brought against Connie Mametja, former Municipal Manager, was not tabled and disclosed for public knowledge during a special council meeting that took place last Friday.
Mametja resigned after an agreement was reached between employer and employee and the council subsequently resolved to continue with the investigation to establish whether other persons are implicated and to avoid recurrences.
The report of over 100 pages was not tabled as required by law and only a summary of less than 20 pages was tabled by Nkadimeng. The meeting was closed for the public and councillors were forbidden to disclose details of Nkadimeng’s report or the recommendations contained therein.
Acting Democratic Alliance (DA) Caucus Leader Franco Marx, after the meeting told Polokwane Observer that the Executive Mayor’s conduct was irregular and that the details contained in the full report are obviously withheld to protect people that are implicated. “The DA does not agree with this state of affairs and maintains that the public should have access to the information contained in the full report. We are therefore going to file an application in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act and pursue the matter until the information is fully disclosed,” Marx said.


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