Sex workers used as decoy

Two men who recently spoke to Review on condition of anonymity told of how they were robbed and assaulted while making use of the services of sex workers.

POLOKWANE – It seems men who make use of the services of sex workers in Polokwane are opening themselves up to other crimes.

Two men who recently spoke to Review on condition of anonymity told of how they were robbed and assaulted while making use of the services of sex workers.

One of the victims said he was robbed of his jacket, wallet and watch in the Ivydale area.

He said he was approached by a woman known as CC who told him to drive to a secluded area. While there, they were approached by two other women and a man, who demanded he hand over his valuable possessions.

“I refused and the man grabbed me by the throat telling me that he could easily kill me in the bush and that no one would look for me,” the man told Review.

The man said he handed over his possessions and was then told to drive off.

The other victim said he picked up a woman in Dahl Street and she told him of a house they could go to.

The man was then taken to a house in Bok Street where the woman told him to leave all his possessions in the vehicle.

But the man was attacked while walking into the house and his possessions taken out of the vehicle. He lost his wallet and his shop keys.

“We cannot report the matters to the police and these people know that and as such take advantage of us, and rob and humiliate us,” he said.

Both the Polokwane and Westenburg police request residents not to make use of the services of sex workers.

Polokwane police spokesperson, Capt Ntobeng Phala, said there were several investigations underway where the police were of the opinion that sex workers were involved in other crimes that included robbery, theft, assault and even murder.

“We call on residents to keep off the streets late at night and during the early morning hours. Criminals take advantage of people under the influence of alcohol who visit the women of the night,” Phala said. Westenburg police spokesperson, Capt Mohlaka Mashiane, said those who were aware of where these women worked should report them to the police station.

“We urge residents to report these women and help the prevention of not only prostitution as a crime but other crimes linked to it,” he said. Criminal activities can be anonymously reported to the crime stop line: 08600 10111 or by sending an SMS to 32211. Alternatively, report any criminal activities at the nearest police station.


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