Residents up in arms over poor service

Angry residents of Shiluvana, Makhwibidung and Mogapeng were practically spitting fire when they chased the management of Shiluvana Hospital out of their offices

LIMPOPO – ANGRY residents of Shiluvana, Makhwibidung and Mogapeng were practically spitting fire when they chased the management of Shiluvana Hospital out of their offices on Friday.

The hospital came to a total standstill leaving most of the patients, most of which are mentally impaired, baffled and perplexed.

Led by the Shiluvana Task Team, the residents marched into the hospital premises, chased the management out of their offices, and locked the doors before chanting slogans and singing anti-Apartheid slogans.

“We are sick and tired of these people. They must pack their bags and go back to their Venda homes because all they care about is the money they make and not us or the patients,” said Mabotani Samuel Shiluvana, head of the Shiluvana Task Team.

According to Mabotani, the management of the hospital was ineffective in all areas and was practising political polarisation, nepotism and regionalisation.

The hospital was established to admit people who, due to old age, physical or mental illness, were unable to care for themselves. The hospital is currently run by a company called Life Esidimeni on behalf of the department of social development.

Controversy at the hospital started in February when nine cats were found to be sharing a meal from the same plate with physically and mentally impaired patients.

To add insult to injury, nine cats were found dead the following day with three of them being burned to ashes. On hearing the news, angry residents took to the streets and suspended all major services at the hospital leaving patients in the lurch for the better part of the day.

“We have since investigated the matter and found that the hospital has an acute shortage of staff, outsource services, the community does not benefit from the hospital to mention but a few. We have also noticed that the patients are being treated like wild animals. That is why they are being fed in the same plate with wild cats. We therefore we demand that Life Esidimeni be released of its duties as a matter of urgency or else all hell will break loose,” said Mabotani.

Mabotani said the residents were ready to render the hospital ungovernable until their plights were heard by the department.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) has since launched investigations into the death of the cats and the outcome is still pending.

Provincial spokesperson for the department of health, Max Lesufi said the hospital was run by a private institution and not the department of health.

Social development spokesperson, Adele van der Linde said the department was aware of the difficult relationship between the management and the community.

“What we are not aware of is that the community forced the management out of their offices. We take the matter in a serious light as it is slowly but surely getting out of hand. We undertake to investigate and take action where possible,” she said.

Hospital manager Abashoni Ramoima refused to comment and attempts to speak to acting manager, Scally Shihangule also drew blank.

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