DA: criminal charges must be brought against parent involved in poisoning of school food

The DA have contacted the acting MEC for education, Jerry Ndou, and urged him to lay a charge of attempted murder against a parent who allegedly tried to poison a Mafolofolo High School learner.

LIMPOPO – The DA have contacted the acting MEC for education, Jerry Ndou, and urged him to lay a charge of attempted murder against a parent who allegedly tried to poison a Mafolofolo High School learner.


According to DA spokesperson, Jacques Smalle, the parent forms part of the team that prepares food for the learners at the school. On Friday she was caught red-handed pouring poison into the food.

When asked about the incident, she confirmed her plans of poisoning the learner. She says it is due to family discord with the mother of the learner.

She was fired on the spot by the school management, but no criminal charges were laid against her for attempted murder.

“With Limpopo school food already dangerously risky, with glass and poison found in school food numerous times in the last few months, this is a shocking incident that deserves immediate penalty.”

“We urge the department to investigate this matter and if it allows parents to be involved in school feeding, to ensure they are properly interviewed and properly vetted,” says Smalle.


According to the DA they urged MEC Ndou to report the matter to the police, else the DA will have no choice but to lay charges.

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