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Constance Mametja: ‘time for family is now’

Mametja speaks to Review during an exclusive interview on Wednesday following her 90-day precautionary suspension that was implemented last Friday.

POLOKWANE – Constance Mametja, the suspended municipal manager, said for the first time in five years she had time for her family.

Mametja was speaking to Review during an exclusive interview on Wednesday following her 90-day precautionary suspension that was implemented last Friday. At the time, municipal spokesperson, Tidimalo Chuene, declined to reveal to Review what the charges against her were. (allegations elsewhere in article.)

Mametja said she was not allowed to talk to the media about the investigation against her, and she did not want to jeopardise the process. She would await the outcome of the investigation, she said.

“I do not have a problem with the investigation; it will continue and the process will follow its due course. I leave everything to God, I am not fighting alone. I am not bitter, I am not angry. These things come with the job.”

She said she now had time to spend with her daughter and planned to go on holiday during the June school holidays.

“It will be the first time in many years; since I was appointed as municipal manager in Tzaneen, I have been unable to go on a holiday.

“I could not go on holiday then. Since being appointed as municipal manager in Polokwane, I went on holiday once but was recalled for urgent reasons after two days away. Now I will be able to go away on a longer holiday.”

Another thing that she has time for now is to register for her PhD. She has to submit her proposal by the end of the month to the University of Fort Hare. “My proposal is on the Smart City concept, the process which I initiated in Polokwane. Other municipalities can learn from Polokwane.”

Mametja says she has grown accustomed to a very busy environment, working under pressure all the time.

“I am passionate about my job. I will give local government another five years and then become a lecturer again – I have done it for ten years already.”

She said for the first time in five years she does not read e-mails everyday. She has time for a facial and a massage and to have her nails and hair done at a salon.

“Tomorrow (Thursday) I leave to visit my parents. They live close by, but I haven’t really seen them in many months. I am going to stay for two days,” she said. “Come see me in two months. I will be in a better place in my life,” she said.

• The DA welcomed the decision to suspend Mametja on allegations of supply chain violations, as well as the subsequent appointment of an independent investigator, Frank Haas, DA ward councillor, said in a press release. “As Mametja has been suspended on full pay, the DA calls for an urgent and speedy finalisation of investigations into Mametja, with a quick and fair decision on the outcome from the investigator.

A prolonged internal process could cost the Polokwane taxpayers millions of rands, which must be avoided.”

He said the decision to suspend Mametja was based on numerous allegations including:

• Appointing service providers and awarding tenders without following the correct procedures.

• Failure to ensure that advertised bids were evaluated, adjudicated and finalised.

• Delays in implementing approved municipal projects such as a car wash and the African market.

• Failure to take action against the chief finance officer for allegedly contravening the supply chain management.

• Underspending the municipality’s service delivery budget.

• Failure to ensure that service providers signed service level agreements.


Municipal manager to be suspended?


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