Circumcisions done for free

"Circumcision reduces 60% of HIV infection among men and 20% chances of cervical cancer in women"

LIMPOPO – A LACK of education coupled with unemployment in the Mopani area could add to the rise of HIV cases in the area.

This was according to non-governmental organisation, Lifeline Limpopo.

Lifeline Limpopo manager, Agnes Mokoto, said the Mopani region had the highest HIV statistics of all the regions in the province.

Working hand in hand with the national department of health, Lifeline Limpopo embarked on a circumcision campaign in the area recently.

According to research done worldwide, circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV. Some 158 boys between the ages of five- and 10 years were circumcised during this campaign in Bolobedu South last week with another 120 boys in Ga-Matshwi village, Bolobedu North being circumscised. A further 79 boys in Maruleng were circumcised at the Sekororo Hospital.

Mokoto opined that the reason for the high rate of HIV in the area was that there was a large number of youths in the area, most of whom were unemployed. They used the act of sex as a means of relieving their boredom, she said. “Instead of putting their minds to work, they spend the better part of the day having sex, usually unprotected, due to a lack of education,” Mokoto said.

She said children living without parents – child-headed families – were most vulnerable as most of them lacked guidance.

“This results in low condom use and spreads HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among young people. Our schools have a high rate of teenage pregnancies, which is an indication that our children don’t use condoms.”

She said the campaign also aimed to promote the use of condoms. “We believe that by encouraging young people to come forward for free circumcision we can reduce the statistics to half.

“Circumcision reduces 60% of HIV infection among men and 20% chances of cervical cancer in women. On a monthly basis, our organisation does around 300 circumcisions,” she said.

Provincial health spokesperson, Macks Lesufi, lauded Lifeline Limpopo for their excellent work and encouraged parents to take their children for free circumcisions. “They are free, faster and healthier. We encourage young men to use these free services,” he said.

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